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Treatment Description

Getting CoolSculpting treatment at Glow Medi Spa means getting treated at Canada’s #1 provider of CoolSculpting. Across our network of clinics, we have collectively performed the most CoolSculpting treatments in Canada- and with over 6 million CoolSculpting treatments performed worldwide, this treatment is proven to be a safe and effective option for permanent fat reduction.

With over 6 millions CoolSculpting® procedures performed worldwide, it is proven to be a safe and effective treatment for fat reduction! The results are tangible and become noticeable two to six months following the procedure. They usually represent a reduction of about 28% of fatty tissue in the treated area.

Each person is unique and may react differently to the proposed treatment. Images are for illustrative purposes only. They do not constitute a guarantee of results. Images provided by CoolSculpting®

The CoolSculpting® procedure targets stubborn fat in specific areas: abdomen, flank, upper arm, inner thigh, outer thigh, as well as back, chest and double chin. One to two sessions are often enough to see significant results in the treated area. However, depending on the desired effect, it is possible to go a step further and sculpt the body using various applicators with specific shapes. The procedure presents very little risk of skin lesions and does not alter the surrounding tissues. Following the treatment, you may experience a temporary numbness of the treated area.

Service Category
Service Category
Medical Aesthetics

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