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FASHION - MAY 2016, On Pins and Needles

"Some clients won`t do Botox, but they love these treatments" says Dr. Wong about the VoluDerm treatment.


FASHION - MAY 2016, On Pins and Needles

"Some clients won`t do Botox, but they love these treatments" says Dr. Wong about the VoluDerm treatment.


"Some clients won`t do Botox, but they love these treatments" says Dr. Wong about the VoluDerm treatment.

Dr. Wong shares her thoughts on the benefits and success of this advanced technology utilizing micro-needling with radiofrequency and galvanic energy. She explains why VoluDerm has become one of the most popular treatments at Glow Medi Spa.  This article in May's FASHION Magazine, "On Pins and Needles" has drawn much attention. An excellent read on new and innovative treatments!

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